

  • Noir 1.0.0-beta.1 (install with `noirup --version 1.0.0-beta.1`)

  • Barretenberg 0.67.0 (install with `bbup --version 0.67.0`)

  • Garaga CLI Python package

To install noirup and bbup, follow the quickstart guide from aztec :

We recall the installations commands here:

curl -L | bash
curl -L | bash

Generate a Starknet smart contract for your Noir program

First, we'll create a new Noir project and compile it.

nargo new hello
cd hello
nargo build

This will create a json file in hello/target/hello.json

Now you can generate the corresponding verifying key using barretenberg :

bb write_vk_ultra_keccak_honk -b target/hello.json -o target/vk.bin

Finally, you can generate a smart contract from the verifying key using the garaga CLI

garaga gen --system ultra_keccak_honk --vk target/vk.bin

This will create a smart contract folder with the following structure.

Generating Smart Contract project for ProofSystem.UltraKeccakHonk using vk.bin...
Smart Contract project created:
├── .tools-versions
├── Scarb.toml
└── src/
    ├── honk_verifier.cairo
    ├── honk_verifier_circuits.cairo
    ├── honk_verifier_constants.cairo
    └── lib.cairo

The main function of interest is located in honk_verifier.cairo

The contract interface will be

trait IUltraKeccakHonkVerifier<TContractState> {
    fn verify_ultra_keccak_honk_proof(
        self: @TContractState, full_proof_with_hints: Span<felt252>,
    ) -> Option<Span<u256>>;

In order to interact with the endpoint, you need to generate the full_proof_with_hintsarray.

To do so, you need a specific proof for your program. But first, Noir requires you to specify the inputs of your program in hello/Prover.toml

// The "hello" program simply prove that x!=y, with x being private and y public.
x = "1"
y = "2"

You can now generate a proof with barretenberg, after running the program :

nargo execute witness
bb prove_ultra_keccak_honk -b target/hello.json -w target/witness.gz -o target/proof.bin

Finally, you can obtain the full_proof_with_hints array using the garaga CLI. From within the "target" directory:

garaga calldata --system ultra_keccak_honk --vk vk.bin --proof proof.bin --format array

The Ultra Starknet Flavor (experimental)

We are in the process of adding a new flavor to Noir proofs called Ultra Starknet. It contrasts with with Ultra Keccak presented in the previous section.

The Ultra Starknet flavor replaces the Keccak hash function by Poseidon, which is a ZK-friendly hash function and therefore better suited in the context of Starknet and Cairo contracts.

In order to provide the Ultra Starknet flavor we forked and customized the Barretenberg (bb) implementation. Here the steps to build the customized bb:

  1. Install build dependencies (assuming here a Debian-compatible system)

sudo apt install -y cmake clang clang-16 clang-format libstdc++-12-dev ninja-build
  1. Clone our fork of the Aztec Packages repository and checkout the specific branch

git clone
cd aztec-packages
git checkout starknet-barretenberg-v0.66.0
  1. Perform the build

cd barretenberg/cpp
cmake --preset clang16
cmake --build --preset clang16 --target bb
  1. Manually install the custom bb command, conveniently, under the Nargo config folder

install build/bin/bb ~/.nargo/bin/
mkdir ~/.nargo/lib/
install build/src/barretenberg/crypto/poseidon/sources/lib_pos* ~/.nargo/lib/

Now, in order to generate a Ultra Starknet proof and verifying key using the customized Barretenberg implementation, simply issue the following commands:

bb prove_ultra_starknet_honk -b target/hello.json -w target/witness.gz -o target/proof.bin
bb write_vk_ultra_starknet_honk -b target/hello.json -o target/vk.bin

To generate a contract using the Ultra Starknet system, use the following command, which is similar to the previous process:

garaga gen --system ultra_starknet_honk --vk target/vk.bin

And, as with the Ultra Keccak flavor, one can obtain the full_proof_with_hints array using the garaga CLI :

garaga calldata --system ultra_starknet_honk --vk vk.bin --proof proof.bin --format array

Last updated

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